What Is An Abscess?

Do you know what causes the development of an abscess in your mouth, how you can tell it is there, or how it is treated? Keep reading to learn the answers to these questions.


The inner part of the tooth contains living tissues of blood vessels, nerves, and connective fibers, which are collectively called pulp tissue. If the tooth develops a crack or decay that exposes the pulp to bacteria, then infection may develop as a result. This infection can travel from the pulp chamber of the tooth down to the tips of its roots. One way your body may respond to the infection is by creating an abscess in a tooth root tip. This pocket of pus tries to create a barrier between the infection and the rest of your body.


An abscess can cause serious harm to your oral and overall health, but you may not realize you have an abscess. Here are the most common symptoms of an abscess:

  • Severe, consistent toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity to heat, cold, or pressure
  • Sudden oozing accompanied by a foul taste in the mouth and relief of toothache pain
  • Swelling around the infected tooth or in the lymph nodes of your neck
  • Fever


Even if you experience pain relief after an abscess ruptures, you still need to visit a dental professional for treatment. The infection may linger in your mouth, and if it spreads to the rest of the body, then it can cause serious harm. We will drain the abscess, clean the area, and heal your mouth of infection when we perform procedures like:

  • Root Canal Treatment: This procedure involves the removal of the pulp tissue from your tooth. Afterwards, we fill the space with medicated material and cover the tooth with a crown. A root canal is the ideal option because you get to keep your tooth.
  • Tooth Extraction: If a root canal procedure fails or if the tooth is too damaged, then the best treatment option available may be a tooth extraction. Our dental team offers several restorative options that can replace the missing tooth afterwards.
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